Independently owned and operated chiropractic practice serving the communities of Glasgow Southside and East Renfrewshire.
Clarkston Chiropractic practises a natural form of health care that focuses primarily on the optimum function of the spine and nervous system. Chiropractors perform gentle adjustments, by hand, applying a specific and precise force, in the right direction, to correct any dysfunction of spinal joints.
Chiropractic is safe, simple and effective.

The Clarkston Chiropractic Approach
Relief Care
When many people seek care in our office they have one goal: relief. So that’s where Clarkston Chiropractic start! In this initial stage we will look for the underlying cause of the health problem and work out a care plan to produce the fastest results possible. We also provide information on ways that patients can help their own recovery, including looking after your spine beyond this early relief stage.
Wellness Care
Clarkston Chiropractic would like to see all our patients be proactive in looking after their health, instead of waiting for symptoms to appear before taking action. We encourage all our patients to achieve the highest levels of health they can and we aim to educate them in the value of ongoing chiropractic care.
Maintaining your Spinal Health
We would like to see all our patients looking after their health, instead of waiting for symptoms to appear before taking action.
Let us help you achieve the highest levels of health you can.